Lecciones de physica experimental... Traducidas por el P. Antonio Zacagnini, de la Cía de Jesús

Nollet, Abate | Año: 1757 | Ref: 18206

Joaquín Ibarra, Madrid, 1757. Tomo IV. Pergamino, láminas desplegables. 2 h.+310 pp. 4º. Muy buen estado

SOLICITE NUESTRO CATÁLOGO DE FÍSICA, MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS: Philosophy Of Science, History Of Science, Set Theory And Mathematical Logic, Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Functional Analysis, Probability And Statistics, Numerical Calculus, Mathematical-Physics, Newtonian Mechanics, Analytical Mechanics, Electromagnetism And Electromagnetic Field Theory, Relativity Special, General Relativity, Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Thermodynamics And Statistical Physics, Atomic And Nuclear Physics, Condensed Matter Theory, Quantum Field Theory, Elementary Particle Physics, Cosmology


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