Editora de Santo Domingo, 1976, para la Sociedad Dominicana de Bibliófilos, Inc., Col. Cultura Dominicana, edición numerada de 2.250 ejemps. de la que nuestro ejemplar es el 1880. Reedición de la de Londrés, Longman, Hurst..., 1810, cuyo título completo es "Present state of the Spanish COLÓNies; including a particular report of Hispañola, or the Spanish part of Santo Domingo; with a general survey of the settlements on the south continent of America as relates to history, trade, population, customs, manners, & C. with a concise statement of the sentiments of the people on their relative situation to the mother country..." 2 vols. guaflex y estuche edit., cinta de registro, exlibris ant. prop., cinta de registro, 324 y 322 págs, 4º